Innovative Productus LLC has a commitment to giving back to the people and the community. By not only volunteering many hours to community functions, but to YOU as well! 

We have openly released some show management tools for you to use, FREE of charge.  The FREE databases are intended to do two specific functions that will immediately help you.  First is a worldwide dealer database list.  You can upload and input your own dealer information, as well as hopefully find other dealers for your shows. When I first created this list, I was amazed to find that I had over 90 dealer’s business cards in my file cabinet!

The second FREE thing is a show calendar, to keep track of shows happening around the country, so that you will lessen the odds of overlapping show dates, and help new shows find vacant areas on the calendar to start their shows.

Since the software was initially designed for rock and gem shows, but is so versatile that it can be used for home-shows, garden shows, boat shows, and shows about shows, you will have to look for the FREE calendar and dealer database that applies to your show category.  If your category is not listed, or you would like a new one created, please let me know & I will certainly make a new one for your type of show. To visit the list of utilities click here.

The FREE tools are password protected, and the password is “showchair”, all lowercase and no spaces. This is password protected to keep both the casual user from viewing the tools, as well as to keep the spam machines from harvesting information.  While the information is not ultra private, it has less vulnerability than when you currently give it out to the magazines for their calendar of events listings on their websites. We would like to guard your privacy a little better than what is currently being done by many of your affiliates to help reduce spam.

We also have a vision that many of the magazines and organizations in your trade will eventually utilize these databases to populate their calendar of events listings and such, thus making your advertising hassle a little more bearable.  So please help make the magazines and trade organizations, as well as show affiliates, aware of these FREE databases.

The company’s owner, David Zimmerman, has operated a business since 1996, and thus has over 11 years of business management, as well as another 5 years of field management to his credit.  Being the oldest son of an entrepreneurial family, managing a business is apparently in his genes. 

On the charitable side, David has been an avid volunteer for his local geology club, where he has held the titles of President, Vice President, Field Trip Chairman, as well as numerous sub-chair positions, as well as the Show Chair for the last 3 years and counting.  In the early 1990’s David was bestowed the “Rockhound of the Year” for his organization, by the Midwest Federation of Mineral Societies.

Not only does Mr. Zimmerman have many years of experience managing shows, he has also participated in as many as 7 home-shows per year, since the 1980’s.  Having this base of knowledge has given great insight when creating this software to meet the needs of Show Chairs.


Innovative Productus LLC

Software Solutions Division

Making it easy for everyone!

About Us

Innovative Productus LLC was just incorporated in February of 2006 with a belly full of fire and ambition. We are a small company that prides itself on customer service and listening to our customers. Our Software Solution Division’s goal is to make things easy to use for novice users, and yet allow expert users the flexibility to customize the details that they want.

As the divisional subtitle indicates, software sales is only part of our business.  The main part of our business is bringing new green technologies to the construction markets, or as our slogan says; “Accelerating Smart Construction!”.  We are particularly entrenched in the concrete homes industry (ICF), as well as other areas.